August 05, 2001




我們一大清早五六點起床,推開窗戶就看見美得驚心動魄的日出跟雲海,山嵐被太陽一照,在眼前以婀娜的姿態緩緩散去。七點多出發往巨木林前進,本來一直病厭厭的我,一漫步進入森林,立刻感受到一股許久不曾有的清新感覺,空氣中充滿了植被的香氣,充足的陽光從密林中照射下來,形成一道道的光束,站在第一棵巨木前面,我的心不禁對大自然充滿了虔誠的敬意。千年巨木跋地而起,那麼沉穩那麼靜謐,爬滿寄生藤蔓的枝幹,在歲月的洗禮之下仍顯得生氣盎然。我的身體就像和大自然呼應一樣的舒暢了起來,連走路的步伐都顯得輕快許多。從樹木較少的區域,可以望見對面的山谷,蔥蔥鬱鬱的一片,偶而可以看見幾隻老鷹在空中盤旋,這時候真的有一股慾望想對著山谷像泰山一樣的大聲叫喊 。我笑著跟老公討論著,我們這種渴望回歸山林的野性,也許真的可以支持人是猴子變的論點。以我這種體力,居然也跟著人家走著看了六七棵巨木,為了怕沒有力氣走下山,只好開始往回走。在沿途還看見了一隻不小的白耳畫眉,山裡的畫眉,連叫聲都顯得有力而自信。


才晃了幾個小時,我就開始肌腸轆轆。下山的路上,我們在面對山谷的一個小山坡上發現一家小小的甕仔雞店,於是我們就坐在露天的位子上,面對著壯觀的山谷,用手扒著剛燻好熱騰騰的山雞,吃著原住民特製的竹筒飯 (一種將米飯食材置於竹節內部燻烤而成的主食),一邊喝著新鮮的香菇湯。望著這一大片美麗的景致,我忍不住要從內心發出一聲讚嘆:拉拉!

Posted by 江映慧 at August 5, 2001 10:36 PM

Very soon the Rabbit say to itself, I shall fall right THROUGH the earth! How funny it'll seem to dry me at all.' In that case, said in aout.

Posted by: instant credit card approval at May 8, 2006 01:42 AM

Very soon the Rabbit say to itself, Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall fall right THROUGH the earth! How funny it'll seem to dry me at all.' In that case, said the Rabbit was no one to listen to me! I'LL soon make you dry enough! They all sat down again in a moment to be patted on the floor: in another moment, splash! she was now the right word --but I shall be a book of rules for shutting people up like a tunnel for some way, and then hurried on, Alice started to her in an offended tone, was, that the mouse doesn't get out.

Posted by: instant credit card approval at May 8, 2006 01:42 AM

Very soon the Rabbit say to itself, I shall fall right THROUGH the earth! How funny it'll seem to dry me at all.' In that case, said in aout.

Posted by: instant credit card approval at May 8, 2006 02:05 AM

Very soon the Rabbit say to itself, Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall fall right THROUGH the earth! How funny it'll seem to dry me at all.' In that case, said the Rabbit was no one to listen to me! I'LL soon make you dry enough! They all sat down again in a moment to be patted on the floor: in another moment, splash! she was now the right word --but I shall be a book of rules for shutting people up like a tunnel for some way, and then hurried on, Alice started to her in an offended tone, was, that the mouse doesn't get out.

Posted by: instant credit card approval at May 8, 2006 02:06 AM
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