
论坛:创可贴作者:dodo发表时间:2010-01-27 04:56

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Jan 08 - 15,2010

链接: 《Times》新闻摄影图片精选     新闻摄影@Leica.org.cn

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
一条旅行小径上的日出,Ilmenau,德国。摄影师:Michael Reichel
The sun rose behind a hiking trail near Ilmenau, Germany, Wednesday.

Monday, January 11, 2010
孩子们在Tundavala体育场外的沙地上玩耍,安哥拉。摄影师:Gianluigi Guercia
Children slid down a slope outside Tundavala Stadium in Lubango, Angola, Monday.

自行车运动爱好者D.J. Mull在加州Transure Island的荒废空地上玩车。摄影师:Brian L. Frank
Bike enthusiast D.J. Mull came all the way from San Diego to ride one of the areas on Treasure Island that has fallen into disrepair.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
一架即将前往阿富汗地区的英国Chinook MK3直升机降落在奥迪厄姆地区的皇家空军基地,英国。摄影师:Dan Kitwood
The first of the U.K.’s Chinook Mk3 helicopters bound for Afghanistan landed at a Royal Air Force base in Odiham, England, Wednesday.

Sunday, January 10s, 2010
一只在寒冷天气中变得反应迟钝的鬣蜥趴在路边,佛罗里达,美国。摄影师:Hand Deryk
An iguana lay on a path near joggers in Davie, Fla., Sunday. Iguanas become catatonic in the cold and fall from trees.

一名女孩抱着她刚刚接种小儿麻痹症疫苗的弟弟。小儿麻痹症疫苗接种工作让塔利班、阿富汗中央政府以及联合国机构彼此产生了沟通的可能。摄影师:Massimo Berruti
A girl held her brother after he was vaccinated. Afghanistan’s anti-polio campaign is bringing the Taliban, the central government, and United Nations agencies together in a partnership that shows the tantalizing possibility of negotiating with insurgents.


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  • 空寂 
  • 2010-01-27 23:41
  • 2
  • 455
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