
论坛:江湖兵器作者:mamahuhu发表时间:2010-05-05 01:12

Asian Americans living in New Jersey live better than any other ethnic group in any other state — based on overall health, education and income — a new report shows.

The rankings are part of an American Human Development Index designed to measure the disparities between different racial and ethnic groups across states. The index factors in life expectancy at birth, educational degree attainment among adults 25-years or older, school enrollment for people at least three years old and median annual gross personal earnings.

Among the findings: “New Jersey Asian Americans live, on average, an astonishing 26 years longer, are 11 times more likely to have a graduate degree, and earn $35,610 more per year than South Dakota Native Americans,” according to the report released Wednesday by Kristen Lewis and Sarah Burd-Sharps of the American Human Development Project an arm of the Social Science Research Council. South Dakota Native Americans scored on the lowest on the index and lag about half a century behind the rest of the nation in terms of human development, according to the report.

Across the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Asian Americans were worst off in Louisiana. Their New Jersey counterparts lived an average of nine years longer and earned more than twice that of Asian Americans in Louisiana. Meanwhile, Native Americans were better off in California than in any other state.

Washington, D.C. offered the highest level of human development among whites. “Whites in D.C. live about seven years longer, earn more than twice the annual wages, and are five times more likely to have completed college than their West Virginia counterparts,” the state where whites’ well-being was ranked the lowest, according to the report.

African Americans fared best in Maryland and worst in Louisiana. Those in Maryland lived 3.5 years longer, were more than twice as likely to earn a graduate degree and had salaries that were nearly $16,000 per year higher than those living in Louisiana.

Latinos living in New Jersey had the highest levels of well-being for any state in regards to their ethnic group. They lived eight years longer and made $7,000 more annually than Latinos living in Alabama, where Latino well-being ranked lowest.

Nationwide, Asian Americans scored the highest — 7.5 – on a scale of zero to 10 versus Native Americans who scored 3.2, the lowest among the ethnic groups included. Whites, Latinos and African Americans came in second through fourth, ranked highest to lowest.

Here are some other factoids from the report:

  • Asian Americans live the longest (86.6 years)
  • African American life expectancy today is on par with that of the average American life span three decades ago
  • Latinos outlive whites, on average, by over four years, and in all but four states
  • Whites were most likely to complete high school – nine out of 10 did so. Latinos had the lowest completion rate
  • One in two Asian American adults has earned at least a bachelor’s degree
  • Virtually all white adults, 98%, in D.C. have completed at least high school
  • In Alaska, only about one in twenty Native Americans and Alaska Natives have earned a bachelor’s degree
亚裔美国人居住在新泽西的生活比任何其他民族在任何其他国家 - 基于整体健康,教育和收入 - 一个新的报告显示。 




华盛顿哥伦比亚特区提供了白人之间的人类发展的最高水平。 “在白人居住区约7年时间,赚取超过两倍的年薪,并有5倍更有可能比他们完成大学西弗吉尼亚州的同行,”国家在白人福祉的排名最低的,根据报告。 



从全国范围来看,亚裔美国人得分最高 - 7.5的零 - 10与土著美国人谁得分3.2,民族之间的最低列入。白人,拉美裔和非洲裔美国人排在第二到第四,排名最高到最低。 


白人最有可能完成高中学业 - 9 10位这样做了。拉美裔已经完成率最低 
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