
论坛:江湖兵器作者:Bystander发表时间:2010-05-06 03:06
(From: Heston, Alfred M. "Jersey Waggon Jaunts" Camden, Atlantic County (N.J.) Historical Society, 1926. Vol. 1, p. 72)

A distinguished citizen of Camden, Hon. Abraham Browning , stirred the pride of Jerseymen by telling them, at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, on New Jersey Day, August 24, 1876, that our Garden State is like a huge barrel, with both ends open, one of which is plucked by New York and the other by Pennsylvania.

And from Vol. 2, p. 310:

The principal speaker on "Jersey Day" was Hon. Abraham Browning, of Camden. ... In his address Mr. Browning compared New Jersey to an immense barrel, filled with good things to eat and open at both ends, with Pennsylvanians grabbing from one end and New Yorkers from the other. He called New Jersey the Garden State, and the name has clung to it ever since.

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