
论坛:寻音觅影作者:文思不动发表时间:2012-07-13 00:04



当然,百科条例说音色音强是原因之一(This ... was likely in part the result of the increase in the power and sonority of the piano ...),言下之意就是说可能还有其它的原因。那些打破海顿式陈矩的后人,他们有意让大小提琴翻身解放扬眉吐气,是不是真的受了内心深处天下为公、人人平等的潜意识的影响,那就不可得而知了。:o)


The role of the three instruments

The piano trios of the Classical era, notably those of Haydn, are dominated by the piano part. The violin only plays the melody a certain amount of the time, and is often doubled by the piano when it does. The cello part is very much subordinated, usually just doubling the bass line in the piano. It is thought that this practice was quite intentional on Haydn's part and was related to the sonority of the instruments of Haydn's day: the piano was fairly weak and "tinkling" in tone, and benefited from the tonal strengthening of other instruments. Mozart's earlier trios are also rather dominated by the piano part.

With time, a new ideal of piano trio composition arose, in which each of the three instruments was supposed to contribute equally to the music. This is seen, for instance, in Beethoven's trios, and was likely in part the result of the increase in the power and sonority of the piano that took place during Beethoven's career, making it more feasible for the piano to play independently in an ensemble. The new idea of equality was never implemented completely; the extent to which it is realized varies from one composition to the next, as well as among movements within a single composition. Certainly by the mid nineteenth century, all three instruments had been modified to have a very powerful sound, and each can hold its own in a modern ensemble.

The earlier trios are now frequently performed and recorded using authentic instruments, of the kind for which they were originally written. Such performances restore the sonic balance the composer would have expected, and have proven popular.

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文思不动于2012-07-13 00:07编辑

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  • 2012-07-14 13:10
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