Banned, Censored, Challenged: Little Red Riding Hood

论坛:江湖兵器作者:amigo发表时间:2013-09-25 08:31

Banned, Censored, Challenged: Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood was created by Charles Perrault. In the original version, both Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother die. The Grimm Brothers revised the ending and added the Woodsman at the end. (Deus ex Machina!)

However, a 1989 Houghton-Mifflin version (that won the Caldecott Honor Book Award) has been a source of controversy. It began in Empire, California in 1990 when the school board raised a stink over a bottle of wine in the book's illustrations. In Clay County, Florida in 1990, parents of fifth & sixth graders challenged the fairy tale because of the wine, instead of asking why their sixth graders were still reading picture books.

In '91 a Bradford County, Florida teacher complained that the wolf's actions were too violent. Because, children, wolves are really friendly and nice and if you ever see one, be sure to try to pet it!

Once upon a time, people drank nothing but wine and beer because water was often unsafe. Jesus took perfectly healthy water and turned it into wine. People drink wine in communion, and wine is openly for sale at the grocery store. People in movies & television have wine at dinner, there are wine lists sitting on the table at restaurants and doctors often publicly tout the benefits of red wine. Did I mention that the Bible says "drink wine, it's good for your stomachs?"

Yet, the depiction of a fairy tale Grandmother drinking wine is perceived as a plot to turn kids into alcoholics. Whoever heard of a Grandmother who was under 21?
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amigo于2013-09-25 08:38编辑

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