Sense of Humor in American Politics

论坛:江湖兵器作者:amigo发表时间:2013-12-21 02:46
 This week, I teamed up with Sen. Bob Casey to pass bipartisan legislation to bolster fire safety and protect local governments from a ridiculous, expensive, and dangerous new government mandate.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced a policy that would have required local governments to replace malfunctioning fire hydrants with new independently certified lead-free fire hydrants. This EPA regulation essentially made it impossible for local governments to repair fire hydrants or replace them with existing inventory. It was also uncertain whether fire hydrants that meet the new criteria were even available for purchase.

Last week, Sen. Bob Casey and I introduced legislation (S. 1779) to exempt fire hydrants from the mandate. This week, the Senate unanimously passed House legislation identical to our bill. It was a rare outbreak of common sense on Capitol Hill.

The notion that people drink from fire hydrants often enough to warrant this kind of regulation is ridiculous and in no way justifies the cost of replacing hydrants in every city and town in the country. It is great news that the Senate and the House have both acknowledged this absurdity.

The implementation of this EPA rule would have forced local governments to leave malfunctioning fire hydrants idle until adequate funds and products are available. This poses an undeniable threat to public safety. The passage of our bipartisan bill is a great victory for common sense, and I look forward to President Obama signing it into law.

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  •   LOL
  • amigo 
  • 2013-12-21 04:12
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  • 722
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