Re: 还有一张 (共2张)

论坛:江湖兵器作者:似是故人来发表时间:2005-11-16 13:47

machine operation just as the engine has replaced human and animal muscle power.
A. The earth revolves around th.a sun just as the moon travois around the earth.
1. Hurry up or you'll be late.
2. They must have liked the apartment. or they wouldn't have stayed so long.
3. He is. not ill, or he wouldn't have come.
d. Return me the money. Or I'll file a suit against you.
1. ... what eventually happened
2. ... what he had paid for it
3. -- what we have just discussed
d. ... what l have just sugges=cvl
1. awful
3. established
5. risking
7. bore
8. captured.
1. brake
5. of
9. grew
13, in
17. return
21. refused
28. should
29. slrrnco
2. join
6. w vid
10. her
14- uniform
18. thing
22. by
26. canwining
3Q. is
2. presence
d. junior
bring (the wounded man) through
$. inlcetinn
10. taken prisoner
3. Owl 4. battle
7. arrived 8. look
11. for 12. body
15. gave 15. What
3. Hut 20. In
23. had 24. right
27, where 28. on
1. Grounsof pain can often he heard in a hospital emergency room.
2. The former 11.5. Secrelary of Slate has rcrurncd to public life as an ambssadax to
a farcign country.
3. Proof of identity is required for cashing a check at most banks.
4. The pop star's presence on the stage brought the audience to its /their feel in ap-
5. She was amaacd to learn [hat many people still risk traveling without insuraaoe.
6. Will you see to it that no childrea (should) /can out of the window?
7. He was captured /taken prisoner in the war, but never gave in no matter how crued"
ly the enem tortured him.
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  • 似是故人来 
  • 2005-11-16 21:55
  • 50
  • 417
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