唉, 自我反省一下, RP?

论坛:江湖兵器作者:timmy发表时间:2007-03-18 11:44
原文在这儿, 凑和看把:


- 3 cups (12 oz) of wheat flour
- 1 cup (4 oz) of white flour (do not use self-rising as it already contains baking powder and salt)
- 2 ounces of butter
- 14 ounces of buttermilk (pour in a bit at a time until the dough is moist)
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.


1. Preheat the oven to 425 F. degrees. Lightly crease and flour a cake pan. In a large bowl sieve and combine all the dry ingredients. Rub in the butter until the flour is crumbly.
2. Add the buttermilk to form a sticky dough. Place on floured surface and lightly knead (too much allows the gas to escape)
3. Shape into a round flat shape in a round cake pan and cut a cross in the top of the dough.
4. Cover the pan with another pan and bake for 30 minutes (this simulates the bastible pot). Remove cover and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
5. The bottom of the bread will have a hollow sound when tapped to show it is done.
6. Cover the bread in a tea towel and lightly sprinkle water on the cloth to keep the bread moist.
7. Let cool and you are ready to have a buttered slice with a nice cup of tea or coffee.

我在店里吃的都很好, 甜咸都有, 有加葡萄干, HONEY什么的. 我抄的这个据说是正宗的方子, 什么都不要加的, 结果要涂大量的黄油才能勉强下咽, 实在太难吃了Irish Soda Bread Recipes

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