
论坛:江湖兵器作者:paperdoll发表时间:2008-08-07 01:44

是爱国小红心~! 正一把鼻涕一把眼泪哭诉呢。

PD: i am reading some commetns regarding Olympics

Ek: anything interesting?

Evey: nah. kinda upset and sad. look at this

das1310 01:08:30 PM Aug 06 2008

Report This! HELLOOOOOOO!It's the RED CHINESE - what do you expect?The place is a shit hole from aqll the pollution.

Ek: do you think it is more or less polluted than america?

PD: less
it's true
but air there is not so horrible like they said

Ek: maybe they are sensitive?

PD: i understand that. they are godamn athletes

Ek: I read about a lot of things china was doing to try and clean up the air before the olympics

PD: yes they did a lot....
i wish ppl would give a fair comment to China
She is doing her best to host the games

Ek: I know some nations have their athletes wearing masks,
even if the air does not look dirty there are heavy metals and toxins in the air
also remember that general america does not know much about china
thats why there is so much news coverage of it before it even starts
It does not matter where they would be held people will always point out the bad stuff it could be in germany or america or japan and everyone will focus on bad stuff, Its the way news is. Its hurtful now for you because you have a connection to china

PD: thank you for saying this.

Ek: I dont say anything special, I just speak honestly and with an open mind

Sent at 1:30 PM on Wednesday


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