
论坛:小小江湖作者:撒泼打滚发表时间:2008-08-30 23:41



电视新闻里放着搞笑的一幕,各大石油公司的大老板一个个表情严肃地接受国会议员的调查,呵呵,全美国人民终於开始秋后算帐啦,油价今天最便宜的一家已经降到前所未有的新低:$2.30,不过人家这三个月已经赚得盆钵体满了。同时这三个月也是我长途跋涉购物的三个月,以前都是在家门口转转,现在都是往远了跑,单程40,50迈小菜一碟,70,80方才显出本色。油耗是没法算清楚了,不过我已经自觉的给每件衣物加了三四美元运输成本,这样一看到不觉得多了。另外也感谢时尚版姐妹们的DEAL信息,让我在电脑前一览天下SALE,买了不少又便宜又好的东西,不过也有信息出错或是超前滞后的情况,东岸的 JMS有SALE了,我赶去,人家倒是风平浪静,这属信息超前,也有赶去后发现人家已经如风卷残云般,这属信息滞后。


1) car seat

must have

recommend: graco snugride( less expensive) , infant car seat for 0-8months or up to 20lbs

britax roundabout ( a little bit expensive), convertible car seat for 0-24months or 5-40lbs

2) stroller

must have

recommend: any graco stroller compatible with graco snugride infant car seat (less expensive)

maclaren triumph, a must have lightweight umbrella stroller ( a little bit expensive)

most standard strollers are ok, but for infants, travel system is much more useful,travel system, including infant

car seat and a compatible stoller

3) crib,

must have

4) criddle or play-pen

optional, but recommended. it's just like an alternative daybed, can be put in living room

5) car seat cover

for winter or cold weather

6) sun shade

for car

7) mirror

for car , to watch the baby in the backward infant car seat

8) swing or bouncer

put the baby in the swing or bouncer beside you, and you can do a lot of job freely

9) musical playmat or gym

10) baby monitor

very very helpful, we think it is a must when you are not in the same room with the baby, but actually it can give you lots of convenience.

11) ocean wonders aquarium

for crib, my son is almost 2 and still likes it very much

12) musical mobile

for crib, very helpful to soothe the baby

13) crib mattress

14) crib bedding set

fitted sheets and bumper are must have,quilt and skirt will be better

15) blankets

several, for indoor and outdoor

16) some crib toys

17) diaper genie and refills

18) baby wipe warmer

19) bottle warmer

very useful at night

20) electric breast pump

madela or ameda

for me,it is a must and very helpful. i pumped my milk and my husband fed the baby.

21) bottles

i bought several sets of dr. brown natural flow 8 oz standard, avent, playtex ventair, playtex disposables and gerber infant starters, and found that i like the dr brown and playtex disposables most.

22) bottle rack and storage center

useful, but not very useful, a basket can replace it

23) breast pads

24) nursing bras

25) milk strorage bags

26) bottle brush

27) 2-in-one head support

for car seat

28) baby bejon infant carrier( front)

i bought one cheaper carrier first but returned it, and bought this, very nice carrier and very helpful.

29) evenflo backpack carrier

for baby 4 months older, very useful

30) high chair

must have

for baby over 6 months

31) portable chair

optional, but very helpful for dining out

32) diaper stalker

not a must, but very lovely

33) clothes and accessories

lots of, we do laundry once a week, so definitely need a lot.

34) baby wash

35) baby shampoo

36) baby tub

37) diaper rash cream

a must,

38) baby lotion or baby oil

39) baby bath cloth( medium size)

40) baby jumper

for baby over 6 months

41) baby ear thermometer

42) safe gate

43) safety kit

44) diaper

do not stock size1 or 2, but you do need size3 and 4 a lot, so buy some cartons when they're on sale.

45) baby wipe

regular size and travel size

46) .wash cloth

very useful for baby, very small, just like the size of the handkerchief....

47) a hanging rack for clothes

very useful for baby bibs and socks, costs about $10,

48) bibs

we bought over 20, sometimes still run out


别的想起来再补充, 不过changing table 我没有买,实际上是生之前觉得没必要买,但生了之后发现没有那个合适高度简直就要把腰给累断了(不是我的腰,是我LG的腰),然后就决定赶紧去把这个买回来。大概是回家的第二天还是第三天,我突然发现把crib可以活动的一边放下来并且原来MATTRESS位置调得高的话,正好就是一个changing table,把baby从床上挪个方向就可以站在一边换尿布了,很方便所以就不用买啦。新妈妈购物清单
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