it reminds me ...

论坛:江湖色作者:toto发表时间:2000-10-24 14:38
other pictures you took in New Mexico, seems you like to have your subject looking into one direction and have a large space behind. This type of structure fits this one per say, however, if you always portrait your subjects this way, it may be a bit boring :). By comparison, the #3 is more interesting and creative.

Seems that your pictures have a strong sense of direction, either having a two different directions, which create a tension, like #2, or a converged directions, which gives a sense of balance, like #3. These are just how I felt, but when you took the picture, are you really conscious of these directions?
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  •   :))
  • 毛毛虫 
  • 2000-10-24 15:22
  • 14
  • 483
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