
论坛:江湖色作者:goyoyo发表时间:2001-03-16 14:32
田姐贴出来的这张片子是Eugene Smith 在战场上受重伤后的第一张片子.下面是一些背景.

I wanted to make a good photography, but I was out of control. I just couldn't do it and I did not know whether I would ever photograph again. Finally, I decided to try, but it was very difficult. My face was still pouring pus and ti was draining into the camera and my nerves were... I was not only about to go through the ceiling but through the ske. I decided to try, anway. I got the family out of the house, except my two children. Then I took them for a walk. I wanted ti to be a good picture, to contradict and contrast with my war pictures, the last photographs that I had taken. So I followd the children and I saw them stepping into this space as they went along the path. I stopped and clumsily tried to focus and as they stepped into the space, I made the photography. I felt that it was fairly good.

Most people think the title has a religious connotation . But it's as much a tribute to music as anything. There is an opera by Delius called "A Village Romeo and Juliet" and one piece of the music is called " The Walk to Paradise Garden". I've left it with ambiguous title so that anyone can take from it what they wish. But it's basically my tribute to music and to humanity. beause I think it shows hope.

顺便说一句, 波波说得对, 田姐的逻辑有问题.
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  • 时间
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  • 评价
  •   握手
  • felixtian 
  • 2001-03-18 00:44
  • 79
  • 435
  • 0/0
  •   哈哈
  • bostonian 
  • 2001-03-17 01:54
  • 91
  • 716
  • 0/0
  •   慢着
  • eureca 
  • 2001-03-16 09:56
  • 260
  • 540
  • 0/0
