Steven熊, 不好意思,借你的图,我想发作一下, 看了
下面那么多的争吵, 心好烦,看到你的图, 忽然让我
想到了这句话:Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs (all those I loved and did not understand in my past)...
上个周末被朋友叫去sailing, 在“狂风巨浪”下, 小帆船
疯了,玩不好还可能把命给送了。。。 船开到大山后面,风
也平了浪也静了, 这时才有了心情体会周遭的一切,太阳
照在身上美极了, 可是风太静了, 船又被潮水越推越远,
一切, 和朋友说好了, 还会再去sailing...
好了我发作好了。 还想说, 这片片不好, 气势没出来,
可是怎么把水拍好, 真还挺难的, 有谁能说说?