
论坛:江湖色作者:超人发表时间:2001-05-08 02:40
My roommate is a 60 years old Jew, he is our engineer in office.
Everyday, he gets up earlier than me.
I always get up by the time he is making that Espresso.
Mmmmm... the smell.... And of course the noise.
The Jura puts out so many steam in it, make the coffe look so good.
For some reason, I like to add some Whiskey in it. Just like a cup of Irish coffe, actually it is.
There is a historical shop in Fisherman's Wharf,
they sell that, for 5 bucks, a tiny little goblet.
But, wow... the smell....
You should try that once if you come.

We drink that on the highway, on the way to work, as a breakfast, in a diesel Mercedes-Benz, with alcohol in it, haha.
Damned good....
It's so good.... I am actually in pain...
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  •   Jura...
  • 超人 
  • 2001-05-08 02:40
  • 719
  • 569
  • 0/0
