
论坛:江湖色作者:朱子发表时间:2003-08-23 18:58




As for loving the sun, I like going here and there under the sunlight. When I close my eyes, I find my body is covered in a red world, my blood is moving. All kinds of images are dancing on the red net sky.

I am interested in the subtle relation between the shadow and the subconscious of human. I try to look for the relation between them from the outside of my body. I observe all kinds of shadows. I am interested in the shadows acting and their controlling for our bodies. I try to use a method to record the mutual actives of shadows and bodies.

The subconscious replace the relation between body and the shadow. Whether the subconscious control the rational human or the reason designs conscious for subconscious! After the absolute subconscious becomes human’s collective unconscious and as shadow controls our life, we have seen a theory Utopia.
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