Magraret Olin从Walker Evans的Sharecropper's Wife那张片子里的Gaze讲起,洋洋洒洒一篇论文便是20页。并列出如下参考文献:
1。Bryson, Norman, 1983, Vision and Painting: The Logic of the Gaze.
2. Bryson, Norman, 1988, The Gaze in the Expanded Field.
3. Elkins, James, 1996, The Object Stares Back.
4. Jay, Martin, 1993, Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in 20th Century Thought.
5. Lacan, Jacques, 1977, Of the Gaze as Object Petit.
6. Mulvey, Laura, 1988, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.