
论坛:江湖色作者:jura发表时间:2004-02-17 15:41


说文解字:英文的[空] empty, 牛津至少有以下4种[空]法:

1,对某地某物而言,没有人或没有东西。例如,空箱子,空房子。 ~ (of sth) with no people or things inside: an empty box / glass empty hands (= not holding anything) an empty plate (= with no food on it) The theatre was half empty. an empty house / room / bus As it got later, the streets became empty. Is this an empty chair (= not one that another person will be using)? The house had been standing empty (= without people living in it) for some time. It's not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach (= without having eaten something). (formal) The room was empty of furniture. (formal) For the first time in years, Trafalgar Square was empty of pigeons.

2 某些话语没有意思。例如,空洞的话语,空头支票一样的承诺。[usually before noun] (of sth that sb says or does) with no meaning; not meaning what is said: empty words an empty promise an empty gesture aimed at pleasing the crowds

3 某人或某人的生活不幸福,因为生活没有目标。例如,汤姆大叔去世死都3个月了,玛丽大婶还感到空虚。(of a person, or a person's life) unhappy because life does not seem to have a purpose, usually after sth sad has happened: Three months after his death, she still felt empty. My life seems empty without you.

4 某物不具有你所期待的品质。例如,空泛的文章。~ of sth without a quality that you would expect to be there: words that were empty of meaning。

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