
论坛:江湖色作者:jura发表时间:2007-01-30 11:02

不料他本人所乘之马因受到意外惊扰,窜入麦中,践踏坏了一大块麦田. 曹操为严肃法纪,很严肃地让执法的官员为自己定罪。执法官对照《春秋》上的道理,认为不能处罚担任尊贵职务的人。

曹操认为:自己制定法令,自己却违反,怎么取信于军? 即使我是全军统帅,也应受到一定处罚。他拿起剑割发,传示三军:“丞相踏麦,本当斩首号令,今割发以代。”

见《三国演义》第十七回:袁公路大起七军 曹孟德会合三将,此段英文译文:

The army marched away. In the course of the march they passed through a wheat region, and the grain was ready for harvesting but the peasants had fled for fear, and the corn was uncut. Cao Cao sent proclamations to all villages and towns:

"I am sent on the expedition by command of the Emperor to capture a rebel and save the people. I cannot avoid moving in the harvest season; but if anyone trample down the corn, he shall be put to death. Military law is strict without exception, and the people need fear no damage."

The people were very pleased and lined the road, wishing success to the expedition. When the soldiers passed wheat fields, they dismounted and pushed aside the stalks so that none were trampled down.

One day, when Cao Cao was riding through the fields, a dove suddenly got up, startling the horse so that it swerved into the standing grain, and a large patch was trampled down. Cao Cao at once called the Provost Marshal and bade him decree the sentence for the crime of trampling down corn.

"How can I deal with your crime?" asked the Provost Marshal.

"I made the rule, and I have broken it. Can I otherwise satisfy public opinion?"

Cao Cao laid hold of the sword by his side and made to take his own life. All hastened to prevent him.

Guo Jia said, "In ancient days, the days of the Spring and Autumn history, the laws were not applied to those of the most important. You are the supreme leader of a mighty army and must not wound yourself."

Cao Cao pondered for a long time. At last he said, "Since there exists the reason just quoted, I may perhaps escape the death penalty." » henchman -- haha!!! cao cao acts like he's upset that he doesn't get punished...

Then with his sword he cut off his hair and threw it on the ground, saying, "I cut off the hair as touching the head."

Then he sent messengers to exhibit the hair throughout the whole army, saying, "The Prime Minister, having trodden down some corn, ought to have lost his head by the terms of the order; now here is his hair cut off as an attack on the head."

This deed was a stimulus to discipline all through the army so that not a person dared be disobedient.

A poet wrote:

A myriad soldiers march along and all are brave and bold,

And their myriad inclinations by one leader are controlled.

That crafty leader shore his locks when forfeit was his head,

O full of guile were thou, Cao Cao, as everyone has said.

《三国演义》第十七回 袁公路大起七军 曹孟德会合三将: 此段原文:










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