Chemin Leger

论坛:江湖色作者:jonathan发表时间:2007-04-27 21:41

Hi Jocelyn

Glad to hear from you, yes, I've had, and do have a lot of fun participating on this forum. Actually, I find it interesting seeing the different types of personalities here, but I'll also say there are very many warm and sincere folks like yourself and Bozeman and many, many others here who've been kind to me.

In terms of the lyrics from the song, I haven't yet lost my hair or my sense of humor!!!! 8^). I'll also say Jocelyn that I've found that receiving the gift of living a long time involves a lot of luck, and I hope the nice folks on this forum will also come to enjoy a long life.

Take care
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  •   Hi there
  • 絕色台北 
  • 2007-04-27 17:04
  • 172
  • 726
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