搜索: - 35F2
江湖兵器35f22007-04-19 11:03:17
音乐播放器实在没必要跟鞋子捆绑在一起。 这里有三个东西: 1,跑鞋; 2,心率计+速度/路程计; 3,音乐播放器; 这三个应该是独立的,因为这样适合个人的选择更多,也可以独立
江湖兵器35f22007-03-20 00:19:16
你的这个star-dict的牛津辞典文件是哪个版本的? 俺这的stardict-oxford-gb-3.4.2上“baby-sitter”词条倒是这个解释,一字不差,“baby-sitting"上就:n[U]。
江湖兵器35f22007-03-09 11:18:58
详情看链接。 值得注意的是: Two of the other M8 users had more serious problems. ... In all, 90 minutes of wet shooting produced six 1Ds MKII cameras which stopped working for one reason or another. Three of them recovered after a night of drying out. Three remained hors de combat for the rest of the trip. ... There were 5 Nikon users on the trip, with various bodies – mostly D200's. There were no reports of any Nikon problems or failures. ... As for why the majority o...
江湖兵器35f22007-01-19 19:11:05
比如:可以控制速度,控制里程,不论是强度训练,还是热身,还是老年人运动,都很方便; 比如:长跑容易造成膝盖损伤(姿势不正确,鞋子不合适,路面太硬等),跑步机就能缓解很多; 比如:如果家里有小孩要看着,不能出去跑的人来说,是二者兼顾了; 比如:天气太冷(容易感冒)或者太热(容易中暑或者脱水),或者空气质量太糟的时候,室内跑是最好的选择; 比如:。。。。...