搜索: - Beatles

共 409 条结果,以下是第 121-130 条。(用时 336 毫秒)


江湖理财beatles2009-06-02 08:54:03

早晨,腊生妈说 做梦了呢,他爸!咋都是674呢。。。。。。唉!账上8万有不?一会记得挂单哦!19.50。。。以下都成,5000成不?不成?那就4000呗!别忘了啊你! 偶走了!


江湖理财beatles2009-05-24 20:53:32

by Wislawa Szymborska I'm a tranquilizer. I'm effective at home. I work in the office. I can take exams on the witness stand. I mend broken cups with care. All you have to do is take me, let me melt beneath your tongue, just gulp me with a glass of water. I know how to handle misfortune, how to take bad news. I can minimize injustice, lighten up God's absence, or pick the widow's veil that suits your face. What are you waiting for— have faith in my chemical...


江湖理财beatles2009-05-15 12:30:09


江湖理财beatles2009-05-12 21:37:06

就是教你如何打暗号的意思,比如说 蓝蓝,最近你的车车怎么样了 然后呢 你回答说

Not opposite to you

江湖理财beatles2009-05-12 20:45:26

The Peace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I re...


江湖理财beatles2009-05-06 12:48:02



江湖理财beatles2009-05-06 12:38:18

其实,每一扇门都是开着的 只在你如何IN,如何OUT

From doghouse to whitehouse

江湖理财beatles2009-04-15 13:30:04

以下为诗歌,呵呵 In Neglect They leave us so to the way we took, As two in whom them were proved mistaken, That we sit sometimes in the wayside nook, With mischievous, vagrant, seraphic look, And try if we cannot feel forsaken.


江湖理财beatles2009-04-14 12:15:03

CNN,挪出了一小会会,对CHINA的BULLS,和NEWYORK的BEARS,做了个鲜红的评比哈 这,该是好消息,还是坏消息呢


江湖理财beatles2009-04-09 15:15:30

