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江湖论剑redrocks2010-04-27 11:59:02
呵呵,我觉得你解读得还是挺准确的 :)
创可贴RedRocks2010-04-14 06:49:37
创可贴grass2010-04-10 20:49:32
刚又称了1下,8斤不到。你去问问RedRocks,看他家的猫猫有几斤 顺便问1哈,你看过《晨间日记的奇迹》这本书吗?我觉得挺有道理的,就是觉得坚持可能不太容易。。。 有人在记晨间日记么? 是
江湖色RedRocks2010-04-10 01:46:09
回复:Floating face with glowing eyes
江湖色jonathan2010-04-08 02:25:21
. Take care RedRocks and everybody else on Paowang回复:Floating face with glowing eyes
Floating face with glowing eyes
江湖色RedRocks2010-04-08 01:24:24
Sure is mysterious and different. Also noticed the makeup of the model, plain and flat.. sure add to the the drama. Good job, buddy!