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江湖兵器backhawk2013-09-25 23:07:41

That is Greek town. 9 muse and Mile cafe were ecellent choices. Mile cafe has one of the best breakfast in town.


江湖兵器backhawk2013-07-13 02:38:01

芝加哥的资深潜水员. email me qwik888 yahoo.com if you need any information. Winter is cold, -10C 左右但是到处都有暖气· 衣服这里比国内便宜。


江湖客栈backhawk2012-09-17 01:40:23


寻音觅影backhawk2012-03-02 00:10:05

American teacher normally works to parents' expection. So make it clear and teacher should work toward the goal. Being nice is nothing new. Parents have to do all the heavy lifting here. 7 years is still young.


江湖兵器backhawk2011-08-16 00:42:16

Check out here. It can be done cheaply. http://store.netgate.com/Outdoor-Wireless-C17.aspx. Cost is about $500 per site if you do it, $1000 if I do it for you.


江湖兵器backhawk2011-05-25 11:47:25

That is good for girl this age. I have one of about same age and hope I can say the same. She is a good girl though, by my standard anyway.

回复:That's great

江湖兵器backhawk2011-05-25 11:44:25

I have used 4 Latitutes over past 10 years and none failed on me, except for battery, and all of them were used full time at 40 hours a week. I wouldn't pay Dell for upgrade except screen and battery if you carry it around a lot, but that would make the laptop much heavier. Get the standard configuration and you can add RAM and solid state drive later for much cheap, and cheaper by the day.


江湖兵器backhawk2011-05-25 04:19:47

http://dell.cashstar.com/gift-card/buy/?ref=dellm05052011 If you decide to go with Dell, here is a bonus $50 you may be able to use

回复:急着要买个笔记本电脑: 大家给我参考一下

江湖兵器backhawk2011-05-24 04:28:24

My kid has a HP elitebook touch screen leased through school. It is a lot more expansive but has almost all school books and reference books loaded. The school use it heavily and have the kids do most of the homework on it. The good thing is they have a good scurity system running and I don't have to explain why she can't access to any online email or IM. If that is not how your PC is used, anything would do just fine.Latitute is business line with less ports and worst possible soun and video c...

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