搜索: - hope

共 635 条结果,以下是第 251-260 条。(用时 359 毫秒)


寻音觅影crystalline2001-06-08 13:47:13

club band We're Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band We hope you will enjoy the show We're


寻音觅影春分2001-02-09 02:56:44

这个时候我才是我,沉静,自信,独立,充满你所不了解的东西...象anathema唱的:"hope you don't understand".这很矛盾吗?而我觉得这是我的财富。 一言盖之


寻音觅影蓝卡其2001-02-07 19:48:40

开心... Everybody has hope on every sun raising day, and changes begin when you pay no attention... 2000

搬来Bette Midler 的这三首歌

寻音觅影紫外线2000-11-13 23:26:12

It's the voice of hope It's the voice of peace It's the voice of every man From a distance

Hymn to Hope

寻音觅影紫外线2000-10-28 00:12:51

Hymn to Hope

This I Promise You

寻音觅影与狼共舞2000-10-17 08:22:35

be your strength I'll give you hope Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call


寻音觅影lifeisbeautiful2000-04-02 14:35:37

you mean. (我也常常这样子哩!我能理解!)”说罢,她摇摇头,从座位上站起来,对着我展开一副 美丽的笑容。“I hope you'll have an ice trip


寻音觅影crazyboy1999-11-17 06:52:16

voices when you call me I am your Angel, And all hope gone I'm here No matter how far you are, I

Thank you for your valuable input.

江湖兵器浪迹天涯2009-05-12 08:21:05

I have revised it according to your suggestion. I hope it is to your satisfaction. 最近改文章改的都机械了,这


江湖兵器浪迹天涯2008-12-06 01:05:04

it…hope to keep in touch with you guys.” 你再看这个(已删掉200字溢美之词): “I really enjoyed the class. You guys
