搜索: - paperdoll
江湖兵器paperdoll2014-03-09 15:06:08
去daycare啊,preschool 啊,school 啊,我觉得最重要的一点是培养/体验群体生活,所谓生活经验,人说到底还是群居动物,和其他人的交往必不可少。---"sometimes i don't wanna live on this planet anymore "----but guess what, we are still here surrounded by dumbasses and aholes. 这种生存能力,早点培养不是坏事。还有,为啥一个孩子要100% attention? a child needs to know it is not always about him....suck it up, cupcake. .... ------------------- 没经验的人瞎掰的,但人说没吃过猪肉还没见过猪跑,所以我说的没...
江湖兵器paperdoll2014-01-08 13:36:41
suggest you to give up item #82. If you provide a delivery address in China shipper will hold #82, for the reason of restriction ; if you provide a US delivery address , the shipper will be sending #82 to the address in the states. The rest will be up to you. Fake address will cause return to sender, asking your friend/family to send it to you might be a risk, there might be export inspection. You can try FedEx, DHL international personal shipment service if you believe it worth it. Best solu...
this is a terrible thing to say at Thanksgiving.
江湖兵器paperdoll2013-11-30 00:03:28
Woman, why you so anxious... _____ i am bored too.. time for another cup of coffee...................or maybe go shopping..... definitely no eating@@!!
江湖兵器paperdoll2013-08-28 23:30:37
blue ridge mountains漂亮的一段在va,稍微往西快到wv的shenandoah, 啧啧.. Virginia is for Lovers <3
江湖兵器paperdoll2013-06-08 00:26:48
我觉得也是体现了两种文化环境里价值观的差异。i 很多美国人说family第一,很多时候不是喊口号表形象的。估计隐瞒家人,包括父母病重过世等以便孩子能安心参加考试之类的事情会不被理解。而这也助长了很多急功近利的浮躁之风。 一个题外话,我家领导阿姨的男朋友,恩,男朋友, 得了癌症,医生说他最多会有六个月的生命时间,明天是他阿姨为他举办的一个慈善聚会,亲戚朋友我听说的最远从加拿大赶过来。干嘛呢?喝酒聊天大家凑钱以便他能更好享受剩下的日子。最早听到这个时候我还问,那他本人知道吗?领导一脸不解,当然知道,医生...
江湖兵器paperdoll2013-06-03 00:11:18
我们家没有几个喝咖啡的,我现在也减少量,只在早晨喝两杯。peets喝过,还是买星巴克的多。 现在喝茶特多,特有ZEN风范,haha
江湖兵器paperdoll2013-02-20 23:17:37
首先define你说的毒品是什么。没有一个明确的界限你上来就死了还辩什么辩。 其次define你说的禁止是针对什么,“消费”还是“交易”,这又完全不同,有些情况下人的身体是自己的不伤天害理自己有决定权,但drug traffic导致的犯罪就是另外一个故事