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IT江湖qbit2004-11-14 18:25:01
不过我见过用HTML画出来的类似的图,看连接第三页,它的图是用html拼的,你可以点右键查看源代码。 ============================================= 不求最好,但求最累。
IT江湖qbit2004-11-13 02:15:33
IT江湖qbit2004-11-06 12:17:49
2N-2^(int(log(2(N))+1) 是个负数,2N-2^(int(log(2N))才是正确答案。 当N=2时, 2N-2^(int(log(2(N))+1)=4-2^(int(log(4))+1)=4-2^3=-4 2N-2^(int(log(2N)) = 4-2^2=0 当N=3时, 2N-2^(int(log(2(N))+1)=6-2^(int(log(6))+1)=6-2^3=-2 2N-2^(int(log(2N)) = 6-2^2=2 ... 当N=1000时, 2N-2^(int(log(2(N))+1)=2000-2^(int(log(2000))+1)=2000-2^11=-48 2N-2^(int(log(2N)) = 2000-2^10=976 你自己看哪个才是正确答案。
从哪里抄来的答案?抄错了一点点。 ^++++^
IT江湖qbit2004-11-06 10:26:05
应该是2N-2^(int(log(2N)) + 1 或者2N-2^(int(log(N)+1) + 1 其中log是以2为底的对数。 你这是M=2的情形,如果M=3, M=4, ... 呢,你还能推出代数式吗?
opps, sorry, correct version down here!
IT江湖qbit2004-11-06 05:31:43
public class killingpigs{ public static void main(String[] args){ int N = 1000; // total number of pigs int M = 2; // counting starts with 1 int k = 0; // location of killing int X = 1; // number of suvivers while(X++<N) k=(k-M-1+X)%(X-1)+1; int answer = (N-k+M-1)%N + 1; System.out.println(answer); } }sorry, the problem was caused by the <.
Best solution for 杀猪的问题.
IT江湖qbit2004-11-06 05:25:58
Finally, I managed to find the orginal post of 杀猪的问题, and here is the best solution I can make so far. No array, no linked list, only two variables are used.
public class killingpigs{ public static void main(String[] args){ int N = 1000; // total number of pigs int M = 2; // counting starts with 1 int k = 0; // location of killing int X = 1; // number of suvivers while(X++
IT江湖qbit2004-11-05 23:34:17
祖宗教会了我们用自然数,就用自然数来数罗。 往下翻了翻,没看到原题在哪里,就乱猜着瞎说一下。估计问题是N头猪排成一个圈,每数M个就杀一头,问最后剩下是哪一头,对不对? 如果这样的话,不需要数组和链表,只要三个变量加一个while循环就行了。 三个变量:总猪数X;此时幸存者处于位置r;此次将被杀的猪的位置k; 初始化:X=1;r=0;k=0; //位置从0开始,到X-1,共X个; 一个循环: while(X++<N){ //上一轮 k=(k-M+1) mod X; //那头倒霉的猪是在这个位置 if(k<=r) r = (r+1) mod X; //如果它在幸存者前面,则幸存...
IT江湖qbit2004-11-05 19:21:35
1 11 21 1211 3112 211213 312213 212223 114213 31121314 41122314 31221324 21322314 到21322314结束。