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寻音觅影windytree2004-02-09 15:45:41

Re: 秘密花园公告!!

寻音觅影windytree2004-02-09 15:44:26


Say hi to all

寻音觅影windytree2003-11-23 14:10:47

just registered here. wishing to share nice music with friends. it makes my life full of colors,i hope it makes yours so beautiful too. enjoy hibernating life in winter,if with music

another wonderful CD:music from film frida

寻音觅影windytree2003-11-23 14:04:29

composed by elliot goldenthal. strong mexican music style.very charming! 极爱此碟。当初看完电影,即四处打听原声碟的下落,结果从一个同事手里抢来,欢喜半天。 一天傍晚,我从客厅去厨房,准备去关窗户,冬日的风凉爽干涩。忽然,回头看见窗帘被轻轻掀起一角,而frida音乐亦在此时随之扬起,那似是自遥远处飘来的吉他声,夹杂着空旷的南美风情。金红色的夕阳撒在窗帘上,一路从地板上摇曳而来。 是哪一扇门开了呢?这一阵风如此神秘,不由令我震惊而疑惑,是否一瞬间的灵异现象。 我呆呆转身,靠在门上,直到天变得暗蓝,夜晚...

Yo-yo Ma:soul of the tango

寻音觅影windytree2003-11-23 13:49:07

music by astor piazzolia. 每次听,都有心花怒放之感。 阳光午后打开音箱,这碟让人心醉。可惜我不会舞。但是心会随之跳舞。记得from mao to mozart里,stern说那首spring的一段,dancing!他也是那样饱含热情,满心欢喜。

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