搜索: - xxsh97
IT江湖xxsh972010-11-11 11:17:53
江湖论剑xxsh972010-11-04 09:39:41
IT江湖xxsh972010-11-03 21:43:38
IT江湖xxsh972010-11-02 11:10:43
学步儿童也爱iPhone Toddlers vie with parents for playtime on iPhones [ 2010-11-02 08:35 ] Bella Giroux-Nix, 3, has mastered her mother’s iPhone. Get Flash Player Just as adults have a hard time putting down their iPhones, so the device is now the Toy of Choice for many 1-, 2- and 3-year-olds. It’s a phenomenon that is attracting the attention of some childhood development specialists. Natasha Sykes, a mother of two in Atlanta, remembers the first time her daughter, Kelse...
IT江湖xxsh972010-11-02 11:04:38
帮助中心xxsh972010-10-29 02:14:23
农历:九月(小)廿二 星期五 天蝎座 干支:虎 丙戍月 壬子日 宜:开市 交易 立券 纳财 会亲友 开光 理发 入殓 移柩 安葬 启钻 忌:嫁娶 作灶 出火 出行 入宅 移徙 安床 祈福 上梁 吉神宜趋:天恩 四相 时德 民日 天巫 福德 普护 鸣犬对 凶神宜忌:灾煞 天火 大煞 归忌 天牢 每日胎神占方:仓库碓外东北 五行:桑拓木 满执位 冲:冲马(丙午)煞南 彭祖百忌:壬不汲水更难提防 子不问卜自惹祸殃 -------------------------------------------- 批发高仿耐克等。 贵州安顺发生一起煤矿透水事故 死12人伤1人 10月27日7时40分,贵州安顺市...