搜索: - 一怒拔剑

共 42 条结果,以下是第 41-42 条。(用时 487 毫秒)


寻音觅影一怒拔剑2004-06-21 16:46:28

TAKE MY BREATH AWAY 98 degree If I had castles built on high I find a million ways to write your name against the sky Just to let you know you've caught my eye If I had more than wealth could buy I 'd sell it all and start again for just a chance with you Girl, I give my all to win your love And I would be rich And I would built all my world around you Just to show you How you take my breath away, Oh yeah ... And you would find love, sweet lady ... Nobody else this sid...

Re: 36首天籁之音——《空灵和超脱的音乐》

寻音觅影一怒拔剑2004-04-02 22:39:52


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