搜索: - 天涯孤旅
江湖兵器天涯孤旅2005-11-07 10:11:08
联想网站上的原文: In addition to the ThinkPad T43 and the widescreen ThinkPad Z60t now available at Office Depot and www.officedepot.com, customers can also select from the ThinkPad Express portfolio (available online only). ThinkPad models offered through Office Depot include the X Series, X41 Tablet, R Series, T Series and Z60 notebook models in addition to Lenovo mobile accessories and options. ThinkPad notebook prices for models offered through Office Depot start at $699。
江湖兵器天涯孤旅2005-10-19 19:03:19
授权的厂家肯定会很多,这种东西估计会烂大街。 俺这又一个神5的模型,看着做工很差,而且没有一个组装的说明书,有一个螺丝死活找不到地方拧,贼郁闷。