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Re: Down by the Salley Gardens
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-04-30 10:59:31
Down by the Salley Gardens My love and I did meet; She passed the Salley Gardens With little snow-white feet. She bid me take love easy, As the leaves grow on the tree; But I, being young and foolish, With her would not agree. In a field by the river My love and I did stand, And on my leaning shoulder She laid her snow-white hand. She bid me take life easy, As the grass grows on the weirs; But I was young and foolish, And now am full of tears. Emi Fujita的声音非常好,只...
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-04-07 13:36:41
Cardigans Lovefool
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-04-07 13:22:43
先来容易的: =================================================== Cardigans Lovefool Dear, I fear we're facing a problem you love me no longer, I know and maybe there is nothing that I can do to make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother that I ought to stick to another mana man that surely deserves me but I think you do! So I cry, and I pray and I beg Love me love me say that you love me fool me fool me go on and fool me love me love me pretend that you love me leave me...
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-04-01 09:36:13
不知道怎么能听到,已经习惯链接直接下载了 ========================================== 是不是我很笨?
侃侃 《小三和弦》
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-03-11 23:42:00
小三和弦 词/曲:孙异演唱:侃侃 你像那蓝色的小三和弦 轻轻地流淌在我的指尖 温柔如水是你的灵魂 让我沉醉迷恋 如梦似幻的小三和弦 柔柔地回响在我的心间 洁白无暇是你的爱情 让我日夜思念 我曾在菩萨前许下了愿 让幸福洒满你身边 只愿今生守护着你 永远永远永远 只愿今生守护着你 永远永远永远
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-03-04 20:00:36
首先感谢江上飞老师提供的红雨听吧,里面好东西真不少。 伽菲珈而把几首老歌演绎的汁浓味厚,实在是享受。 第二张专辑《心中的玫瑰》好像还没上网,只能眼巴巴等着。 =================================================== 对于《Hi-Fi年代(一)怀念战友》推出后的反响,有一种不自然里的自然。是有点不自然地在市场掀起波澜,获得好评;自然的是其实一切都在意料中,无需预测猜想,好歌好音乐自然就得到听众的喜欢。这张《Hi-Fi年代,心中的玫瑰》中《四季歌》、《边疆的泉水》、《九九艳阳天》等等这些“老牌经典”歌曲怎样...
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-03-03 15:24:14
寻音觅影川贝枇杷膏2004-02-29 23:50:22
丁香花 - 唐磊 你说你最爱丁香花 因为你的名字就是它 多么忧郁的花, 多愁善感的人啊, 花儿枯萎的时候, 画面定格的时候, 多么娇嫩的花, 却躲不过风吹雨打, 飘啊摇啊的一生, 多少美丽变成的梦啊 就这样匆匆的走来, 留给我一生牵挂 那坟前开满鲜花是你多么渴望的美啊, 你看那满山遍野,你还觉得孤单吗? 你听那有人在唱那首你最爱的歌谣啊, 城市间多少烦恼,从此不必再牵挂. 日子里栽瞒丁香花,开满制胜美丽的鲜花, 我在这里陪着她,一生一世保护她 ...