搜索: - 浪迹天涯
江湖兵器浪迹天涯2011-01-23 10:10:00
你批评得对,running and challenging不好,我应该说:I still can't feel my ass as they chased my ass off....
江湖兵器浪迹天涯2011-01-22 14:01:06
下节课的开场笑话想好了: I played an indoor soccer game this weekend, and lost 0:6. You know, indoor soccer is all about sustainable running and challenging. we are actually pretty good at those. However, this game was different -- I knew even before the game we were going to lose. One of my teammates said:"are these parents sitting at the sideline watching?" (wait a few seconds here for students to get it and laugh). Even worse, another teammate who is the youngest on the team replied:"a...
江湖兵器浪迹天涯2011-01-22 13:16:05
你和短万。 把冰箱包起来那才叫档次呢,就built-in,没$7000下不来。 你看看这个: http://www.subzero.com/#/built-in/