搜索: - 迟到愤青
江湖兵器迟到愤青2004-06-23 10:30:55
事情是这样地,用mozilla自带邮件程序收到一封邮件,发自vip@hackbase.net,只要一点开标题,mozilla就crash掉,退出 x,估计是邮件中含有恶意代码。郁闷的我这个信箱还是paowang信箱,怎么也会有这种邮件呢(不会是哪位兄弟在逗我玩的吧)? 现在的紧迫问题是,怎样把这封该死的邮件从我的系统中删掉,听说可以从命令行办到这件事,但该如何做不知。请资深LM指教,谢谢。
江湖兵器迟到愤青2004-06-22 20:11:00
3.Orkut 由于是google推出的,orkut名声大噪。在很多地方,orkut与friendster很相近,只是,orkut比friendster更开放。你新加的朋友,不等对方认可,你就能看到对方的朋友网络,还可以把网络上的朋友加为自己的朋友。所以, orkut的人际网络也能很快扩大,也造成了网络质量不高的问题。显然,这受到了orkut的设计者的重视。改版后,orkut吸收了美国总统投票的设计,加入了 Rank friend 功能。每个人可能给圈内朋友作匿名评价。关于匿名,我想主要是为了避免“报复”和“交易”,使评价更客观。匿名评价分两种。1,就信任(trust)、...
gmail over pop3
江湖兵器迟到愤青2004-06-20 19:06:44
gmail over pop3 Similar to programs used to get Hotmail over pop3, someone has come up with a program allowing users to do the same with Gmail. Essentially, the program acts as a 'local mail server', which your email client connects too. The program connects to gmail, downloads your emails, and converts them such that Outlook / Thunderbird is none the wiser. A nice program that brings webmail to the desktop, it's being offered free and can be found below. If you like it, don't for...