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共 376 条结果,以下是第 61-70 条。(用时 362 毫秒)

re: 3 Glasses

江湖色jonathan2008-07-30 01:29:55

're doing well. Take carere: 3 Glasses

Big Mag and Little Bulb

江湖色jonathan2008-03-23 02:29:20

in doing this shot. Please forgive me and forget I asked, if that is asking too much. If I'm

Modeling Light

江湖色jonathan2008-03-02 11:42:47

Good Evening How are you folks doing on the weekend?? Fine I hope. I wish everybody

re: Lindsey

江湖色jonathan2007-12-28 08:22:26

them at first, but then from doing a lot of practice, you'll bet better. Take carere: Lindsey

Halloween picture? :o)

江湖色bozeman2007-11-05 01:12:56

doing it. My LF shooting has always been fun. I want to try 8x10. I am also setting up a simple

Re: Chemin Leger

江湖色jonathan2007-04-29 04:04:13

Hi Free2Run!!! Thank you for the extremely kind words. What's harder than doing

【When I'm Sixty-Four】

江湖色jura2007-04-27 16:16:19

gone. You can knit a sweater by the fireside Sunday morning go for a ride, Doing the garden

Re: 威哥,上胶片吧

江湖色free2run2006-07-01 00:34:25

I will, once I get time, but not mu2. I'm not doing street shooting. :) Re: 威哥,上胶片吧

Re: I like this one alot

江湖色jonathan2006-04-16 09:41:17

and will refrain from doing this again. Thank you Red Rocks for alerting me to my mistake. JonathanRe

'High Key' portraiture

江湖色jonathan2006-04-16 06:18:19

I've talked with Bozeman about explaining the 'High Key' exposure technique, when doing
