搜索: - DOING

共 376 条结果,以下是第 81-90 条。(用时 337 毫秒)


江湖色jura2004-01-05 23:56:12

这句话似乎是格瓦拉将军的口头禅,革命胜利后古巴开始经济建设,他离开卡斯特罗,去了南美,继续闹革命。。。 ---------------------------- Let's doing

dear fiend, 还是单数?

江湖色jura2003-12-29 14:42:55

里friend这个词在直接称呼上,似乎更多地趋向于用在第三世界男性之间的国际交往,比如巴基斯坦男人见了中国男人,就伸开双臂,Oh, my friend, How are you doing.当然,再

Woody Allen說教皇是他的靈感源泉之一

江湖色amigo2003-12-28 23:27:59

to head Rome's most venerated comedic institution, the Vatican. "No one else is still doing what


江湖色jura2003-12-20 15:30:54

, [doing or achieving a lot],国内新闻媒体常常翻译为 [具有建设性的]。该词的反义词为 counterproductive。[见牛津英文词典]高!


江湖色bozeman2003-11-01 14:04:13

Royal说的好,说的对:“还是以小幅的眼光去拍大幅”, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM DOING. Dude! You Know me! 没办法,没有突破,只有坚持 :o


江湖色nonames2003-03-12 00:10:56

Russia doing postgraduate work at the University of Southern California. Come in to see more

幽默? I didn't get the meaning of this shot

江湖色ozyman2003-03-05 10:57:44

no idea what were they doing幽默? I didn't get the meaning of this shot

What are they doing?

江湖色bozeman2002-10-26 02:30:35

Nothing else to comment.What are they doing?

hai man?!

江湖色anonymous2002-06-13 15:00:49

what are you doing here?!hai man?!


江湖色garllee2002-02-09 23:43:51

motor control. Why are they doing this? How does a rabbit interpret his image in the mirror
