搜索: - amigo
江湖兵器amigo2013-12-14 09:46:08
Have you tried M15? From spec it's very close to M13 lyre, not sure if I should give M13 lyre a try.
my daughter still plays on E11
江湖兵器amigo2013-12-14 09:39:31
With a Fobes Debut mouthpiece on Mitchell Lurie reeds, a setup very easy to play. This is for myself and the 4th horn we are getting. The other two are cheap plastic horns but surprisingly easy to play and good sounding, a rare find. That's why I bought two, one on each floor literally. I can go from E3 to F6 on chromatic scale in 10 seconds. My daughter runs faster. We also tried M15 and 5 RV lyre so far Debut still is our favorites for practice. Maybe we can better exploit their potentials wi...
江湖兵器amigo2013-12-14 05:42:52
Look Look
江湖兵器amigo2013-12-14 05:41:57
http://www.ridenourclarinetproducts.com/Bbclarpg.html http://www.lesliecraven.co.uk/reviews/review_ridenour.html http://www.ridenourclarinetproducts.com/clarinetcomments.html 我试了下R13,感觉不咋的。没想象中的好。R13现在每条差别很大,要试很多从中挑一。想起来就头皮大。 这个好处是材质均匀,没有木头的毛病。据说,黑管的材质和音色是没有关系的,关键是内部形状。所以木头不一定好。 开发这款的人原来就是LeBlanc和Selmer的声学专家,Opus, Concerto, Signature等名款都出自其手。。。看评论吧,很多正...
江湖兵器amigo2013-12-13 23:32:31
基本需求满足了再追求层次才是真的,满足感很重要。 仔细想想,我家娃该满足的能满足的,也都满足了。请她去麦当劳都不去。我自己去买个汉堡,都不好意思当着她的面吃。