搜索: - paperdoll
someone shot me now!
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-27 08:13:04
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-23 09:41:48
浪老师应该多去那些笑话网站多看看别人贴的笑话,真的假的掐头去尾就能拿来当个引子 其实这个足球笑话不错。但很多美国人对 date 的年龄要求,可以是没有的,所以我有些担心他最开始对于 running和challenging的条件铺垫听众是不是真买账
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-23 09:30:32
老浪他们队最年轻的家伙,和对方的一个老妈差点约会。。。。 老干部不敌小后生啊。 ———————————— 解释浪叫的joke会不会让我自己也象一个joke?
I spent 2 hours and 15 minutes to get to work
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-21 02:02:46
Welcome to Northern VA, where traffic expected to delay. And i paid the toll, to drive faster. FML
Why i still live here?
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-20 06:41:27
ok i am bored at work so i was reading stupid www.wenxuecity.com. then i got this: 还有一个趋势是,华盛顿郊区已经取代了纽约、加利福尼亚、康涅狄格和新泽西,成为高收入县的集中区域。有四个全美收入最高区域是华盛顿特区的通勤市镇,要么在弗吉尼亚要么在马里兰。 看来,政府已经赶上经济和科技部门,成为高收入的最大催生者了。 以下是具体名录: 以家庭收入中位数为准排列的全美最富有的十强县(已考虑2009年的通胀因素)。 弗吉尼亚州福尔斯彻奇市(Falls Church city)──113,313美元 弗吉尼亚州劳登县(Loudoun County)...
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-13 01:45:24
"African American" is already respectful . Black is ok for most case, only nigger has discrimination , most black people call each other nigghers though. I was told carefully not even to repeat "nigger" after others when i was in downtown baltimore, that was for real.
江湖兵器paperdoll2011-01-06 22:33:40
is some kinda cocaine, but not as good as the "cocaine" we talk about. crack reffers to nasty, low quality cocaine as far as i am aware. there was a TV show named "The Wire", 5 seasons, filmed a while ago, you can check it out. a brutal cops vs drug deals show. I remembered they mentioned crack there. umm.. at work, have to type it in english. sorry.
江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-30 09:54:56
我和小朋友唠叨过,我该换太阳眼镜了,圣诞节就想要那个当礼物,说过了自己也就忘了。 眼睛变得越来越差,突然有一天醒来就觉得刺痛不舒服,急急忙忙跑去一个带医生坐堂的眼镜店做检查,没有预约,想要去专门的点是没戏的。然后被告知,我基本上要放弃佩戴隐形眼镜,因为角膜已经磨损的很厉害(十八年啊十八年,柔软如水珠的也能留永久性划痕)开了处方眼药水,真TMD的贵,5ml没有医保要102刀多,好在小朋友公司福利好,我们自己要付的部分,公司给报销,从他的公司处方药信用卡上刷走50块,我端着那个小袋子小心翼翼回家。 按照...