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Awwwwwww...you forgot me!

江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-28 22:30:51

we are no friends no more.....you suck...( heart breaking....) was talking about this last night, this snow storm is weird, we dont have snow at all, well, had a little bit, like 0.5ml, thats it. Had to rush back home from xmas vacation though. happy holidays to y'all.

my bad.. that was a response to bystander...

江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-18 05:45:40


江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-18 05:43:07

Ban Jia jie jue yi qie wen ti !! maybe just because i hate NYC. i always do. we were talking about where to live in the future, according to our current income and living expense, we need to make over than 350k a year to live in NYC F you very much, new york city.


江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-17 22:56:22

Why she reacted like that? a bit pricey? every woman deserves something nice at xmas... ---- you should do it with or without permission, then give your darling a surprise. --- i am just saying...:)


江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-13 05:45:47

只是普通的复合维生素。。。另外也许你还好奇,那个大黑红色桶里的,是蛋白粉。 妈妈的,应该先收拾一下这个island.


江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-13 05:43:32



江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-13 05:41:42

好在pan cake可以当面包,放几天,估计是明天接着吃。:) 今天晚上还有圣诞爬梯,周五晚上的酒精刚消耗玩,应该是愉快的周末,嘿嘿。


江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-13 04:13:04

我家领导勤勤恳恳做的早餐,快上桌之前去厨房一看,额滴神啊,八个人都管饱了。 pan cake很不错,不是用调好的粉粉,是他自己用面粉,柠檬,牛奶,黄油 (还有啥我就不知道了,那些是我看到的,然后我就走开去喝咖啡看早新闻了。)调的。 典型的家庭早餐: 鸡蛋,培根,pan cake(实在不知道中文该写啥---烙饼?),不fancy 但是让这个细雨蒙蒙的周日添了许多温暖。 菜谱就不用了吧,我估计大家都能做。想着没有功劳有苦劳的份上,贴上来等着表扬.........

my husband voted for him

江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-08 23:19:22

now i have one more reason to say " I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!" sadness is, i can always get chances to say that.

timmy you rock

江湖兵器paperdoll2010-12-07 22:45:51

当然博士后能做十年那可绝对也是凤毛麟角, 更不是谁都能做的. ----- yup yup, he sounds like a dumbass. 10 years already, i dont think thats anything about luck.
