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江湖客栈泡影2014-01-19 11:24:11

回复:It could be

江湖兵器萝卜炖猪2014-01-16 04:02:30

1 is very likely. They set the best network as your home network based on where you live, so most of time you can have a pretty ok coverage but not always the best. 2 as i explained is simply not possible according to industry standard. if a phone behaves like that, roaming occurs all the time.


江湖兵器萝卜炖猪2014-01-16 03:09:37

"They use the best carrier at any location as they are reseller of them all so they have that flexibility" technically this is very doubtful. Net10 can have as many partners as they wish, but it has to set a Home PLMN ID(either Verizon or AT&T) in the SIM and the cellphone normally sticks to its home network as long as there's coverage. unless NET10 makes his own cellphone which doesn't comply with the standard.


帮助中心pulicheng012014-01-12 13:23:30

,逢年过节都宰杀羊。而从1937年开始,刘尚厉只能在过年时吃点白面了。…[详细] 减租减息运动中地主与佃农细算所得。 除正规负担外,根据地农民还要承担不少杂役 如前所述,根据地百姓最重


江湖论剑消息树2014-01-10 10:51:00


江湖兵器萝卜炖猪2014-01-09 23:27:25

见过没炉子的房子,没见过没微波炉的。 生活在相信微波炉有害的人中间是一种不幸。我也曾深深地不幸过,现在逃离了他们,过上了用微波炉爆花生米的幸福生活 祝你幸福


江湖客栈泡影2013-12-30 11:19:41

江湖兵器2013-12-28 17:37:57

四轴拍摄的。抛开控制距离不说,山地的无线电干扰真少啊,敢做这么贴近山壁的飞行。 山顶的摄影师真苦,时不时要躲航拍镜头。 以营造这厮孤身登顶的画面感。 这全都是幻觉!吓不倒俺的!
