搜索: - 35F2

共 1410 条结果,以下是第 101-110 条。(用时 417 毫秒)

Some explanation

江湖色35f22003-11-11 15:47:18

丈母娘 is Mother-in-law. that is, in law! What else more explanation do you want? ;-)

Dear Dr. J

江湖色35f22003-10-28 15:12:08

The words you have written are as beautiful as the beautiful mind. However... We are game, but where are the rules? Seems what's needed is a set of strategies and associated pay-offs for the cooperative and non-constant-sum game of 江湖/photo. If you could come out a formula, we shall then call it "Jura Equilibrium"! :-)

Streaking at Harvard - 2

江湖色fuchsia2003-05-31 08:20:12

G2 35F2 TMAX 3200 1/15 s +1.7ev GIVE ME FIVE。 拍实了的片子,我会加马赛克的。。。Streaking at Harvard - 2

Streaking at Harvard - 1

江湖色fuchsia2003-05-30 05:58:46

TMAX 3200, G2 35f2,+ 1.67 EV 1/15s. 扫底。。。所有数据同此。 几分钟的过程,pia pia pia pia,转眼照了72张。。。 想选几张出来贴贴。 这第一张

Hearty Congratulations!!!

江湖色35f22003-04-23 23:06:49

Oh well, two of you in two years? will it be three of you in three years? ;-) Congrats again.


江湖色35f22003-02-23 21:54:26

才知道不是在梳头 :P


江湖色35f22003-02-22 16:53:37

对焦咋对到话筒上去了捏?:P 那额头上的影子整的。。。 现在大家咋都不写数据腻? 不知道这哥哥唱的歌这片子咱评不了,只好找边边角角的下嘴了 ;)


江湖色35f22003-02-22 12:33:23



江湖色35f22002-11-25 02:54:55

是我觉得最有力量的一张,想起那么蓝说的,有力的句子不应该用感叹号结尾,而是用句号。 而且这张最合标题,也是让我心动想去斯里兰卡的。 放得小了,可惜。 据说NG(呵呵,又说到NG了)的摄影师都参与版面的编辑,不知道你们是否也一样。这有一定道理,毕竟这类的片子首先要和文字和排版在一起传达信息。


江湖色35f22002-11-20 22:54:46

都这样了,就该再近一点,要能闻得到腋窝的汗味才好。 闪光也过了点,把“氛围”给闪没了许多。
