Re: 这种片子您好象拍得太多了...

论坛:江湖色作者:lcdos发表时间:2000-03-15 18:12
I can not agree with this "Party Member" in any sense. As his name, I mean, he is thinking in a way that really like the Party.

I have a question here, "可几十年后的今天要是还玩同样的东西而没有进步, 那能有什么意义?" Do we really need a so called 意义 on anything we do? The Party style thinking would answer yes. While we 'might' answer no. The difference does not matter, what matter is "如果不行,就还是自己留著用来当回忆吧。否则真是糟蹋西藏这题材。" As the party, he, I wonder, whether or not have the respect to the solemn freedom and choice of others. If the "Party member"
choose to be a part of the 摄影史. Does he have the right to force others to be part of it and does he have the right to say, "you are to shallow to be here"?

Tell us what exactly is the 刀刃, could you? if not, back a step, show us any photo just to 复制客观现实, could you?

面对生命中诸多矛盾时,有些人反思,有些人回避。 you think, this is good. Yet I suggest you think more.

It is too far away from photography, I shut up. sorry to BOBO and Boze, sorry to all.

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  • eureca 
  • 2000-03-15 08:17
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